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womens inspirational hoodie that says HALLELUJAH on the front with a small angel & vines under the word.  the word PEACE is on the sleeve.  super soft wellness hoodie in a deep turquoise color, with light aqua ink text & a white cotton bow in the hood.
womens inspirational hoodie that says HALLELUJAH on the front with a small angel & vines under the word.  the word PEACE is on the sleeve.  super soft wellness hoodie in a deep turquoise color.  woman wearing a Hallelujah hoodie.

HALLELUJAH super soft hoodie

Regular price $58.95

HALLELUJAH !  the days ahead are full of light!

we wear PEACE on our sleeves ~ on our WINGS ~ for all the world to see!

perfect for ringing in the holidays & perfect for year round JOYOUS intentions too!

our super soft, deep sea teal color is brilliantly blue-green with our signature CHICK BLUE print.

52 cot.  48 poly.